Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's Okay to Lie and Cheat

Our Congressional leaders this weekend told us and our children that bribery is acceptable behavior as long as you get your way. Latest example is Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska selling his vote in favor of the health care bill for his state to receive full federal funding for medicare forever; we in the other 49 states have to pay it for them.

Secondly, the President demonstrated that lying is acceptable behavior as long as you get your way. Latest example is his promise of transparency in the writing and negotiating of the same bill. Harry Reid handpicked Dems and placed them behind locked doors—even changed the locks on the doors—for the bill to be hammered out.

Why should I even be surprised by this behavior? That’s right! Truthfulness and fair play are Judo-Christian values. And Judo-Christian values are no longer acceptable for guiding personal behavior.

I will never have respect or trust for people who lie and live by the code of “the ends justify the means” to get their way.

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